Every effort is made to meticulously describe each item. In the unlikely event that something should be wrong with your purchase, please contact us within 24 hours of receipt:
So that we can solve the problem quickly, please have your order details to hand and give us as much information as possible.
You must contact us within 24 hours from receipt of your purchase.
The items we sell are antiques and by their very nature, not in a ‘new’ condition. They are also not backed by a manufacturer’s warranty.
Please take good care of your purchase whilst with you. Please retain all packaging for returns purposes.
Your statutory rights remain unaffected.
We offer a 14 day returns policy. We ask customers that when they receive the ring or piece of jewellery and feel it is not suitable, to contact us within 24 hours of receipt. The ring should not be worn as it would need to be returned to us in the same condition as despatched, and a full refund would be given.
Please note that we will not be liable for any import taxes or duties that may be applied, when returning items back to us from overseas.